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An aerial view of a parking lot under construction at a forest preserve.


Donations large and small play a crucial role in funding projects related to improving preserve amenities, land restoration and education initiatives. With the help of generous contributions, we can fulfill our mission.


The work of The Nature Foundation of Will County is evident any time you visit a forest preserve or visitor center, from large-scale improvements to nuances intended to enhance your connection to the natural world.


With your generosity, the Foundation can continue its mission to protect nature, inspire discovery and bring people and nature together. Collectively, we can achieve a better Will County for the people of today and tomorrow.

A detail shot of a fly fishing exhibition.

The Nature Foundation of Will County routinely provides funding to allow the visitor centers to host world-class exhibitions that offer unique perspectives about the world around us past and present.


Birding is an easy way to connect people with nature and Foundation funding paid for bird-feeding improvements at three visitor centers.

Vertical bike repair station along a trail, with a bench next to it.

The repair stations are stocked with a variety of tools to aid in repairs, including wrenches, screwdrivers and tire levers to aid cyclists along Will County's regional trails.

New benches are seen at Lake Chaminwood Preserve.

This popular preserve in Troy Township got a makeover in 2023 with improvements funded in large part by a $750,000 gift from the Dollinger family to the Foundation. 

A volunteer carries brush to a bonfire.

Since 2017, more than $19,000 in Restore Will County grants have been awarded to volunteer site stewards and Forest Preserve employees.

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