Year-end giving campaign aims to raise $45,000

When you give to The Nature Foundation of Will County, you get more of what you love about the Will County forest preserves.
That message is the focus of the Foundation’s year-end giving campaign – and they need your help to reach their $45,000 fundraising goal. With your gift, The Nature Foundation can support more projects and initiatives across the Will County forest preserves, in turn giving you more to enjoy.
“As a donor, you have that power,” said Tara Neff, the Foundation’s executive director. “You help make these things possible. And we hope you see and experience the impact your gift makes every day.”
The Nature Foundation’s mission is to create a legacy of giving that supports and celebrates the preservation, conservation, education and recreation priorities of the Forest Preserve District of Will County. The Foundation invests in projects and initiatives that align with its three pillars: protect nature, inspire discovery and bring people and nature together.
When you give to The Nature Foundation, your gift stays right here in your community, funding projects that directly benefit you and the environment. You can see the evidence of your investment across Will County, and experience it yourself when you hike in a forest preserve or drop by a visitor center.
“You don’t have to wonder how your gift will be used. You can experience it,” said Neff, adding that she hopes people feel personally connected to the projects their gifts support.
A few examples of how the Foundation puts your donation to work: exhibitions at visitor centers; support for animal ambassadors; recreation programs such as the Take It Outside challenge and Woods Walk; and preserve amenities such as bike repair stations and water fountains.
And it’s not just programs and experiences that the Foundation supports; it also helps create a healthy environment by providing funds for the Forest Preserve District’s restoration and conservation initiatives that improve wildlife habitat and ecosystems.
“Without a healthy environment to give you clean water, clean air and daily opportunities for outside recreation, your quality of life is reduced,” Neff said.
The Foundation pursues funding through grants as well as from its corporate partners.
However, it’s your gift that allows the Foundation to be nimble, funding projects and initiatives as needs arise, Neff said. And if you’re not ready to give today, consider becoming a member of The Legacy Society by including The Nature Foundation in your estate planning.
Donations received through the Foundation’s year-end giving campaign can be tax deductible; and because these funds are not tied to a specific project or initiative, they can provide immediate and flexible support for Forest Preserve District priorities, Neff said.
“Everything we fund leverages existing support to give you more of what the Forest Preserve District offers,” she said. “Tax dollars only go so far, and there’s always more to do.”
Forest Preserve staff make funding requests directly to The Nature Foundation. Neff appreciates their enthusiasm and admires how passionately they work to enhance people’s experiences in the preserves.
“We help bring their visions to life and add value to Forest Preserve District projects and initiatives,” she said. “And our donors make that happen.”
Neff said she understands that people want to know how their donation will be used. It’s a valid question, she said, and it’s one that is easy to answer when you give to The Nature Foundation.
“When you’re inspired by a visitor center exhibit, share new nature facts you learned on
Willy’s Wilderness website or fix your flat at a trailside bicycle repair station, you’ll experience the impact your gift makes,” she said. “Why give to us? Because nature benefits and so do you.”